The Ultimate Checklist for Your Next Ruck

Whether you're new to rucking or a seasoned pro, preparing adequately for an event can significantly enhance your experience. Here's your ultimate checklist for your next ruck event to ensure you're fully prepared and ready to enjoy every moment.

1. A Properly Fitted Backpack

The heart of rucking is your backpack, or "ruckpack." Ensure it's durable and fits well. A backpack with adjustable straps and padding can help distribute weight evenly and prevent discomfort.

2. Weight (optional)

The amount of weight varies depending on your fitness level, but a good rule of thumb is to start with 10% of your body weight. It's totally optional, and for your safety, we recommend no more than 1/3 of your bodyweight. Weight plates, sandbags, or even water bottles can serve as your load. Ensure they're securely packed to avoid shifting during the event.

3. Hydration

Staying hydrated is crucial. Water bottles or a hydration bladder for your backpack that fit in side pockets will ensure you have easy access to water without having to stop and search through your bag.

4. Nutritious Snacks

Energy bars, nuts, fruit, or any high-energy, portable snack are great for maintaining energy levels, especially for longer events. Keep them accessible to avoid rummaging through your bag mid-event.

5. Durable Footwear

A sturdy pair of shoes that provide support and grip is essential. We recommend sports or hiking shoes.

6. Towel

A quick-dry towel is versatile for drying off, wiping sweat, or sitting during breaks.

7. Poncho (optional)

Be ready for any weather surprises. A compact, lightweight poncho will keep you dry during unexpected rain showers.

8. Sunscreen (optional)

Protect your skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen, even on cloudy days.

9. Spare Clothes (optional)

Packing a change of clothes ensures you can switch into something dry and comfortable post-event, especially useful if you're facing a long journey home or planning to socialize afterward.

10. Positive Attitude and Team Spirit

Rucking is as much about mindset and camaraderie as it is about physical challenge. Bring your enthusiasm and be ready to support your fellow ruckers.

Preparing adequately for a ruck event not only ensures you'll have a more enjoyable and safe experience but also allows you to fully embrace the community aspect of rucking. By checking these items off your list, you're not just gearing up for an event; you're stepping into an adventure that challenges the body, refreshes the mind, and strengthens bonds with fellow participants. See you at the starting line!