
  • Ruck for a Cause: A Regular Commitment to Community and Charity

    At Ruck Republic, we believe in the power of regular, collective action to foster community ties and champion social causes. That’s why we established "Ruck for a Cause," a recurring event that integrates physical fitness, community building, and philanthropy, scheduled regularly throughout the year. What is Rucking? Rucking, which involves walking or marching while carrying a weighted backpack, is at the core of our events. It's a simple yet effective fitness activity that emphasizes endurance and strength, making it accessible to everyone, regardless of their fitness level. Ruck for a Cause: Regular Events, Lasting Impact Unlike one-off events, our regular...

  • About Lionheart Series

    The Lionheart Series by Ruck Republic is an event series that integrates rucking with various workouts. Spread throughout the year, the series includes four distinct Lionheart ruck events. Each Lionheart event is structured to not only provide a physical workout but also to build camaraderie among participants, fostering a sense of community and mutual support. Although participants are advised to carry a weighted ruckpack, the events are designed to be inclusive, welcoming participants of varying fitness levels, and encouraging them to push their boundaries while ensuring safety and fostering a supportive environment. The term "Lionheart" is rich in historical and...

  • The Ultimate Checklist for Your Next Ruck

    Whether you're new to rucking or a seasoned pro, preparing adequately for an event can significantly enhance your experience. Here's your ultimate checklist for your next ruck event to ensure you're fully prepared and ready to enjoy every moment. 1. A Properly Fitted Backpack The heart of rucking is your backpack, or "ruckpack." Ensure it's durable and fits well. A backpack with adjustable straps and padding can help distribute weight evenly and prevent discomfort. 2. Weight (optional) The amount of weight varies depending on your fitness level, but a good rule of thumb is to start with 10% of your body...

  • FAQ About Rucking

    What is rucking? Rucking is a form of exercise that involves walking while carrying a weighted backpack (ruckpack). It's a simple, yet effective physical activity that combines strength training and cardio, suitable for all fitness levels. Who can participate in rucking? Anyone looking for a full-body workout that improves cardiovascular health, endurance, and strength can participate in rucking. It's adaptable to all fitness levels, allowing individuals to adjust the weight of their rucksack according to their capabilities. What do I need to start rucking? All you need is a durable backpack (rucksack), some weight (like weighted plates, sandbags, or even water...